October Birthday

Teleflora Zensational Cymbidium Orchid


Grand Bouquet

$239.99 - $299.99

Orange Rose Mosaic

$78.99 - $98.99

Blazing Sunshine

$79.99 - $119.99
$69.99 - $114.99

Joyful Roses and Daisies

$54.99 - $84.99

Simply Roses


Everything's Rosy

$89.99 - $129.99

Birthday Butterflies

$57.99 - $89.99

Basket & Bear Arrangement

$69.99 - $89.99

100 Pink Tulips Bouquet


Pink and Lavender Basket


Classic Spring Bouquet


3 Roses Vase


Marvelous Pinks Flowers

$109.99 - $124.99

Wishes and Blessings Bouquet

$129.99 - $189.99
$119.99 - $179.99

Flowing Garden Bouquet

$79.99 - $119.99
$69.99 - $114.99

Remembrance Basket

$63.99 - $119.99
$59.99 - $114.99

12 Peach Roses in a Vase


Heart to Heart

$99.99 - $149.99

Dish Garden of Blooming and Tropical Plant

$59.99 - $89.99
$49.99 - $84.99

Fruits and Flowers Basket

$84.99 - $119.99

Birds of Paradise

$79.99 - $99.99
$74.99 - $94.99


$49.99 - $89.99
$39.99 - $59.99

Iris and Tulips in vase

$104.99 - $154.99
$69.99 - $129.99
Showing 145 - 168 of 592 items