Women's Friendship Day

The FTD Color Your Day with Radiance

$79.99 - $149.99
$49.99 - $119.99


$49.99 - $69.99

Basket of Cheer

$54.99 - $84.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Posh Pinks

$59.99 - $89.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Exotic Glory Bouquet

$49.99 - $89.99

Calla Lily

$69.99 - $99.99
$49.99 - $69.99

Glorious Roses and Gerbera Daisies

$49.99 - $79.99

Pink Blush

$49.99 - $89.99

White Lilies in Vase

$56.99 - $119.99
$49.99 - $114.99

Dozen Pink Long Stem Roses Boxed


24 Red Roses


White Roses in a Vase

$79.99 - $139.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Luxury 20 White Roses


Yellow Gerbera Daisies in Vase

$54.99 - $179.99
$49.99 - $149.99

Teleflora's Winter Pop Bouquet

$58.99 - $89.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Zen Artistry

$59.99 - $79.99
$49.99 - $69.99

Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses

$89.99 - $159.99
$49.99 - $99.99

So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora

$52.99 - $74.99
$49.99 - $69.99

Teleflora's Peace & Joy Bouquet

$54.99 - $84.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Pure Happiness Flower Hand Tied Bouquet

$59.99 - $89.99
$49.99 - $79.99

Snowy Night Red and White Roses by Teleflora

$84.99 - $124.99
$49.99 - $79.99

White Ivory Hydrangea in a Vase

$59.99 - $139.99
$49.99 - $119.99

Blessings Lavender Floral Basket

$49.99 - $74.99

Blue and White Floral Basket

$49.99 - $74.99
Showing 121 - 144 of 492 items