Loving Wishes Fiesta Rose Bouquet a1210

Product ID:  a1210

Order your Loving Wishes Fiesta Rose Bouquet flower online here:

1 Please Choose
$49.99 - As Shown - 12 Roses No Vase
12 Roses No Vase $89.99 $49.99 As Shown-12 Roses No Vase
12 Roses wth Vase $104.99 $69.99 Deluxe-12 Roses wth Vase
Double the Roses 24 Stems with Vase $199.99 $119.99 Premium-Double the Roses 24 Stems with Vase

Customer Review about Loving Wishes Fiesta Rose Bouquet a1210

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Verified Buyer

2019-07-24 12:58:57

Outstanding amazing beautiful!

These roses were so special, I have never seen roses so pretty. I thought at first they were fake but when I smelled them I could tell they are most definitely not. I still haven't figured out how these grew to be like this but its ok. Thank you!

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