Red Roses in a Vase

Red roses are the ultimate display of love and affection. Red roses stand for passion, love, romance and desire. It is a classic " I love you " flower. We offer many different choices for vase arrangements of red roses or you may also give us a call if you have something more personal in mind. You may add on a delicious box of high end gourmet chocolates, a stuffed animal or an I Love You balloon. We offer same day delivery to anywhere within the greater Toronto area and we also deliver worldwide. 

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Premium Passion 300 Long Stem Red Roses


100 Red Roses Ultimate Love Package


100 Premium Red Roses in a Vase

$599.99 - $649.99
$299.99 - $349.99

30 Long Stemmed Red Roses Vase


3 Dozen Roses in a Vase


Precious Love 18 Red Roses Package


Sweet Love Dozen Red Roses Package


16 Premium Red Roses Vase


Red Roses and Hydrangea Gathering


Be Still My Heart

$199.99 - $319.99
$99.99 - $199.99

Long Stems Red Rose Vase Arrangement

$149.99 - $419.99
$94.99 - $269.99

Blooming Masterpiece Bouquet

$89.99 - $134.99

18 Red Roses in a Red Vase


Dozen Red Roses in a Vase Love Package


Red Rose Arrangement

$139.99 - $149.99
$79.99 - $129.99

I Love You


Sweet Sixteen Red Roses Vase Arrangement


Dozen Red Roses in a Vase


Red Roses with Diamond Pin Decoration Vase Arrangement

$89.99 - $279.99
$59.99 - $239.99

Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses

$89.99 - $159.99
$49.99 - $99.99

Ring of Love Red Roses

$89.99 - $149.99
$47.99 - $84.99

The Simply Enchanting Red Roses

$59.99 - $89.99
$39.99 - $59.99

Red Roses Vase Arrangement

$79.99 - $249.99
$29.99 - $79.99

Rose in Bud Vase
